Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Fly like an ANGEL..."

After almost two and half years I went back to Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC). I wanted Marianne Campbell to read my personal statement for the medical school. Marianne is a woman in her late fifties and works for the Learning Center at SRJC. She is also the principal of New Horizon School. Its a school for handicap children, I used to volunteer at her school .....that’s where I first me her. She is my godmother, guru, guide, mentor and everything. Working with handicap kids was great experience of my life and I feel really proud of it. Prior to working with those kids I always thought of them as different individuals, but believe me... they are not different from us, its just our perception or illusion.....
To make an appointment to meet her, I called at Learning center, she picked up the phone, I recognised her voice and I asked her "I am Parvinder, do you remember me"....she said, she does, very precisely. I almost jumped out of my chair, It was big thing for me that she still remember me, since she had been helping so many students and i was just one of them and has been quite a while since the last time I met her.

Finally I was driving to SRJC....I had not been back to college after graduating from there. I had missed all my reunions; I have various excuses for not attending them. I also was looking forward to meet Marianne, who has been my great support system. She was the one person who used to encourage me at times, when college life was rough and tough.

Everything was changed at SRJC in such a short span of time; I was feeling like a stranger. New parking lot, new huge library in front of bookstore, and the track field looked quite different as well.  For moment I felt that I had never been at this place. Since I had spent two year at SRJC, I was familiar with whole campus, but certainly things were different. In my heart, I was getting nervous; what if Marianne didn't gave me good response and refuse to read my statement...what i am going to do??? I was just trying to be positive...and hoping that she will respond me..

Eventually I was at Learning center and there she was..... helping one of the student in political science assignment. Her positive attitude is something that make students like PERSEVERE.

I told her that I have graduated from UC Davis with my BS and now I am applying to medical schools for MD program. She was soooooo happy; i could see that in her eyes. She told me that how proud she was of me....and also told her colleagues that "She (me) will be our doctor", I blushed and said, "Yes! i will be your doctor for sure"...I was really happy too. We didn't had enough time she promised to meet me in Wednesday and read my statement.

I went to see her again on Wednesday after working in lab and skipping my work at hospital, and this time I took my camera with me, because i was not sure, when will be the next time, i'll see her. I wanted to catch atleast a moment with her.

So, this time when i met her, she read my statement and suggested some changes. We had time for some conversation... so we both went to cafeteria. We both talked about our lives. I talked about the things that were happening in my life and some struggle to reach my ultimate goal.

There are times in our lives, when we know what we want and how we will get what we want....... its just we get tired of continuous struggle. Instead of seeing the whole thing we are just able to see the glimpse of it. That what was happening with me. I told her that....I knew what i wanted, but was losing my hopes..... She said, whenever i get tired or lose my hope, i should close my eyes, and see myself in future when i will be doctor wearing my white coat with stethoscope, serving people. Her words were really inspiring. That’s what i needed..... the inspiration,..... the encouragement.

Now it was time to say her goodbye, we both walked together out of cafeteria and she hugged me tightly and..... said that I was on mission and there will be lot of situations which will prevent me from reaching the height I have to reach , she asked me to promise that I will not give, no matter what people says....there were tears in her and my eyes. She kissed me and finally said Just....

"Fly like a Angel".......


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope and i wish you do! Good Luck!