Friday, August 29, 2008

The Moments of departure!

In my first blog, I want to acknowledge the person from whom I learnt the idea of blogging i.e. my friend and former classmate Rishab Singla~ Thanks Rishab. I am feeling very sad today  and may be this is the reason i decided to write this journal. 
Today was last meeting with my coach Nick. It was his retiring ceremony at PHS. He has been my mentor for last 6 years and i guess he will always be one. Today standing on the Lacrosse field in 102 F all the memories from past 6 years came and stood in in front of me. Honestly speaking i was never interested in sports before coming to US.  Back at home (India) i went to DAV public school, and the sportsmanship was never encouraged. I am not complaining but just stating the fact. Ok getting back to the point.
  My first day at high school in America, where students have to take some kind of sports in order to get their high school diploma. I was not very happy being part of the sports so called "LACROSSE" I was like "what is this game",  I had never heard of this sport before.
 Being a pessimistic ass i went to my first orientation meeting. I clearly remember, among other 24  white tall girls,  i was the only one Asian girl.... Not only my skin color was different, but my dress code was totally different, instead of wearing mahroon shorts and matching jersey, I was wearing grey sports pajamas and white t-shirt, which I now find hilarious :) But it  was natural since I was new to school and also the game.

In few moments i heard the whistling sound and there was my coach. He was tall, handsome white guy....he is really charming and caring gentleman.. :) He took our roll and he was stuck when he had to call my name, he had hard time speaking my name. For his connivence, from than on he gave me a new name ~PARVY.   He said, today we our just going to do 20 laps and 20 sit ups and push ups and  call the day. After 20 laps and 10 push ups....i was out of breadth....Man it was hard and i was not at all happy. I wanted to quit.Keeping this in mind and thinking that i will go for any other sports, i was leaving the gym and when my coach nick said "welcome to the family, Parvy and i will see you next time"....his sweet and kind words made me changed my mind and did went back ...yay!!!

With every passing day, I was in love with Lacrosse. It wasn't just the sports for me, but my meditation,  a way of breezing out from the ups and downs of the life, .  I can't say that i was very fantastic player, since i was new, but yes! i did made my effort and i scored really well during the season games. From high school i got the sports scholarship for college and which further encouraged me to play  for SRJC. 
His Loud and clear words "You can do it......YOU can do it" .."They won't give it to have to snatch it.....snatch me you can do it...prove me right."  echoed my mind even during my academic career... I continued playing lacrosse even after my graduation. 

Back to-today, at our meeting with my coach at very same place where i was introduced to lacrossey i.e. on the field of Piner high school, santa rosa. All the girls were waiting for him to come and there i heard whistle again....but everybody became quiet, which was very usual.  Coach Nick gave  good bye speech which made every eye moist. This man hasn't changed, full of life and humor. 
      I wanted time to stop so that i could live in those moments of season games when i was loser and winner at times....there were times when i used to get really tired and gave up...but he always stood as pillar and inspire me to fight, regardless of the consequences.  
Finally,  when coach came upto me and hugged  me, i could not stop crying..... I could see tears in his eyes as well. He has given 30 years of his life to this field.... He said "you  are amazing young lady, parvy, I am sure you will go far along and stay in touch honey!". My heart was sinking and i was out of words. 
Being human we all hate this moment when we have to say good bye to people whom we love, adore and respect.  



Unknown said...

nice post parvy, i guess this is how life is and the mantra to survive is to just ge on with it and not let it break you up! "Things happen and they always happen for a reason"

Unknown said...

Really ...Nick left...woaaa..!! This is life buddy....people don't stay for ever. Nothing should stay forever otherwise life and earth will become stagnant. i have seen you playing, who says you are loser..???? bas naam das tu?

Unknown said...

i really liked it ..awsumn , amazing.
keep it up .

Butterfly said...

hi "a" may i know who are you?

Anonymous said...

They sae d only thing dats constant is change..
perhaps dis is how lyf changes at evry instant: a new buddy, a perfect stranger, parting wid a luvd one, a new work, an old frnd. so many things..
it jz goes on.. bt d memreez stay alwaez n foreva..

nice post, keep it up.. keep writin ur heart out..